Photography has always been my hobby, and I’ve enjoyed partaking in it while we enjoy our nomadic lifestyle. One of my favourite things to do is to roam the streets of a foreign land during the blue hour just after sunset when the sky is still slightly lit, but the lights are on enhancing the cityscape.
The following are my personal favourite photos from our travels in 2024 through 24 countries, in chronological order. Each group of photos is preceded by a link to our original blog post with even more photos!
- Sony a7iii with Sony 24-105mm G-master lens, or 14mm Laowa lens
- Samsung S21 Ultra
Death Valley & Palm Springs, California (January 2024)

Angkor Wat: The Glory Of The Khmer Empire (February 2024)
We’d previously done a quick tour of Angkor Wat, but this time we spent more than a week in the area, so did a lot of exploring and photo taking.

Kampot – The Salt & Pepper of Cambodia (March 2024)
Walking through the salt flats near Kampot, Cambodia just before sunset was an interesting experience, and one where I couldn’t stop snapping photos. The baskets in the pictures below are used to scoop up the salt when the sea water in the pools evaporates.

Phú Quoc – Chillin’ On Vietnam’s Vacation Island (March 2024)

A Taste of India – It’s Intense!(April 2024)
If you can make it to Agra during your trip to India (which as home to the Taj Mahal makes it one of the main destinations in India, so why wouldn’t you), you’ll go camera crazy taking photos, just like me. India, in general is incredibly photogenic.

Qatar – A Quick Overnight Stop (April 2024)

Vienna: Sights, Sounds & Schnitzel (April 2024)

Cruising to the British Isles & Iceland (May 2024)

The Netherlands and a Peek into Life on a Dutch Barge (May 2024)
Whitney’s step-sister and her husband are fellow nomads. We connected with them and swapped stories on their barge in the Netherlands where they spend much of their time, travelling on Europe’s great canals and rivers. They took us to visit some of the impressive windmills in the area.

Across Germany by Bus & Train (June 2024)
After the cruise and a brief stop in the Netherlands, we did a 4-stop hop by bus across Germany en route to Poland, with Dresden being my clear favourite city, and a great photographers’ canvas.

Istanbul Redux – Is it Better the 2nd Time Around? (July 2024)

Batumi, Georgia: A Bit of a Bust (July 2024)
Batumi, Georgia is an interesting place to visit, but not one we’ll be returning to. It’s a gambling resort city on the Black Sea catering to Turkish and Russian tourists, which wasn’t the sort of thing we were looking for, but it did make for an inexpensive entry to Georgia from Turkey with cheap flights, and was fine for a short visit.

A 29-Day Road Trip Across the Country of Georgia (August 2024)
Georgia was a great country for an extended road-trip, allowing us to visit many out-of-the-way locations.

Sanatoriums (luxurious spas) were the main attraction in the town of Tskaltubo, which translates to “place of warm water.” The unique radon-carbon-rich natural springs had Russians flocking to them until 1991 when Georgia’s independence and the fall of the Soviet Union caused the stream of tourists to dry up, shutting down most of the sanatoriums. Some have been sold off and are being renovated, but many are frozen in time, steadily decaying from neglect.

Cyprus: A Complicated Country (September 2024)

Crete: Exploring The Largest Greek Island (October 2024)
Some of these pictures may not be extraordinary, but Roman ruins that have survived for almost 2,000 years always impress me, so they made my list.

Road Trip around Northern Tunisia (November 2024)
As fans of Roman ruins, Tunisia has been on our list of places to visit for a while, and we finally managed to get there this year. As an elementary school librarian about a dozen years ago, Whitney had used the Roman sites of Dougga and El Jem as part of an enrichment lesson, never imagining that she’d visit them herself one day. It’s not just Roman ruins though that make Tunisia an intriguing spot for photography.

These are only a sampling of the locations we visited this year. You can visit our main D2 Detours page to see pictures from all 24 countries we visited.
I’m always curious which shots resonate with people, so if you have a favourite feel free to leave a comment below. Thanks for visiting!
Wow, so many pictures that I liked – for different reasons. You take very good pictures! Happy continuing travels !
It’s hard to choose a favourite from these. They’re all fabulous and they all tell a story. I do really like the New Town Hall in Hanover photo. I love photos with reflections in the water.
The photos that made me linger include the Amargosa Opera House–it took at least a triple-take to realize what I was seeing! The shot of the two monks at the Bayon Temple tickled me because I love the framing of the several doorways, the focus of their colorful attire, and the suspicion that the older monk is enjoying a slushie. The poppies in Shetland intrigued me as I never have seen ANY color in the PBS program Shetland! I enjoyed all the angles of the Taj Mahal, but especially the first of Whitney approaching it through an archway. And finally, I wondered when the old style building identified as the New Town Hall in Hanover was built. I was guessing the 1800s but learned it was completed in 1913 after 12 years’ construction. New indeed.